Blockchain based farmer portal

This project effectively stores the crop data fed by the farmers on the blockchain network.Nowadays, we see many middlemen deceiving the farmers by reducing the fares of their crop thereby, they themselves earn more through commission.Therefore, the farmer does not get what he deserves. So to keep all the data secure and transparent we have created a two portals based on blockchain technology, one for the farmer to give the necessary data as inputs which will be stored on the government's database and the second portal for the government where the government can approve the data and take necessary actions after manual checking of the crop quality.

Key Features:

  • Data is stored on the blockchain network hence, there would be no possibility to manipulate the data
  • Once the crop details are entered then no one can modify them
  • Safe and secure on the Blockchain Network
  • Since there can be no manipulation of data, the entire system is trustworthy and there is transparency
  • The cost to the farmer which served as a commissions to the middlemen, would be completely eliminated