Carbon Emission Detector: PayO2

  • Tech Stack: Kotlin, Java, HTML, CSS, Solidity, C++, Arduino IDE
  • Github URL: Project Link

A system that utilizes a sensor to measure the amount of carbon monoxide emitted by vehicles and industries. The system then charges an appropriate fee based on the amount of emissions and generates bills without any possibility of corruption, using blockchain technology. This system aims to promote environmental responsibility by incentivizing reduced emissions and ensuring transparency in the billing process.


  • Accurately measures carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles and industries.
  • Charges an appropriate fee based on the amount of emissions generated.
  • Uses blockchain technology to ensure a transparent and tamper-proof billing process.
  • Eliminates the possibility of corruption in the billing process.
  • Incentivizes reduced emissions through monetary penalties.
  • Provides a fair and transparent system for measuring and charging for carbon emissions.